Extended Day - Enrichment 4-Year-Old Program

Welcome to Monday Afternoon Art Enrichment
Your child will enjoy creating their own artwork using a variety of mediums and hands-on activities. Our class will use their imagination and self-expression to create Preschool Works of Art. We will explore colors, color mixing, and textures. We will also incorporate recycling in some of our projects. Creativity will be encouraged and your child will gain confidence in expressing themselves through art.
Welcome to Tuesday Afternoon Preschool Explorers Enrichment
We are delighted to have your child join our Preschool Explorers class. We hope to awaken your child's inquisitive mind about the world around them. Our topics will include Social Studies, Geography, Travel, Communities, Cultures, and Animals.
Our class will engage in games, crafts, and activities related to the many themes throughout the year. We will expand on their regular curriculum as we incorporate Language Arts and Math skills into our afternoons.
Welcome to our Wednesday Afternoon Author Adventures Enrichment
Where each month we will pick a popular children's author and read some of your children's favorite books.
Our Wednesdays will be filled with storytelling as we explore the themes and lessons portrayed in the books. We will compare authors and your children will vote on their favorite stories. We will also recognize the different types of storytelling, identifying, rhyming, and comparing illustration styles.
Authors will include Laura Numeroff, Eric Carle, Karma Wilson, and Mo Willems to name a few.
Welcome to Thursday Afternoon STEM Enrichment
Together we will spark your child's natural interest and provide a hands-on environment while exploring everyday math and science concepts through the STEM approach. We will try many experiments, support new vocabulary development, a new curiosity, and develop critical thinking skills and persistence, all while having fun with new friends!
Your preschooler will be introduced to Earth, Life, and Physical Sciences as well as working on age-appropriate math concepts. We will introduce one-to-one correspondence, patterning, and simple fractions (whole, half, quarter).
Welcome to Friday Afternoon Phonics Enrichment
During our Friday enrichment time together, your child will participate in a variety of activities that will help build the foundation for reading. We will read a book each week related to a specific topic. The areas of Language Arts that we will focus on will include letter recognition, rhyming, phonics, and letter sounds. We will inspire your child's imagination and self-expression through the wonderful world of books and stories. Our activities will include art projects, games, songs, letter writing, and theater. We look forward to spending time with your child and encouraging their love of books.